It's the local reviews, that make a huge difference.

Increase your monthly reviews volume to increase traffic to your website and feet through the door.

Secret Landscapes

"We started using Their Local in 2022 with 6 online reviews. We have gained over 100 reviews in 6 months and now rank no.3 in our area."


Google Reviews

Jane's Florals

"We used to struggle to get online reviews from our customers. Now I leave it in the hands of Their Local and have saved tonnes of hours"


Hours saved

London Business Coaching

"I work in a hugely overcrowded area, and I found it difficult to rank on Google. Now that I have increased my online reviews, I rank no.2"


More web visits

Drive More traffic

Drive more traffic to your website, store, phone and social media by harnessing the power of Online reviews.

Easy for your customers

Supply your customers with a simple link from your text which goes straight to your Online Review platform.

Salons on Google being pushed down from a new salon that has made the top position

Manage your reviews

Replying to your online reviews is even more important than collecting them. Reply to your Reviews in our online review tool.

The technical 🤖

⚪ Set up automated SMS / emails for review requests or send manual requests

⚪ Collect reviews on Google, Facebook, Apple, Yellow Pages, and Yelp

⚪ Set up an automated reply for each review left

Get more Reviews in 3 simple steps

Step 1

Create your review message

Give your customers a good reason to leave your Business a review. Maybe you offer them a discount on their next service, or they get featured on the Socials.

Step 2

Ask your customers

Use Their Local to send automatic text and email messages to your customers requesting a review on your Business.

Step 3

Manage your reviews

Keep on track of your reviews by interacting with your new ones and following up with people who haven't yet reviews.

Common questions

Why are online reviews important for small businesses

Online reviews are important for your Small Business because they show potential customers how credible and trustworthy your Business is. Furthermore, online reviews can help your Business rank higher for local SEO.

Do customers trust online reviews?

49% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, i.e. friends or family.

What impact do reviews have on a Business

Online reviews can impact a Business in many ways, both good and bad. The most important one is local SEO. Online reviews can help boost your SEO ranking on Google, meaning you can reach a wider audience in your area.

Can a Business owner delete bad online reviews?

Business owners are unable to delete bad online reviews, as this would create a biased opinion about your Business. However, if you think the review shouldn't be there, it can be reported to Google for removal.